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The Gun Range


The Gun Range, Sacramento’s premier indoor shooting facility!

This Sacramento local business was looking to broaden their presence online and market their ancillary services more effectively through their website.

They also weren’t effectively capturing their customer’s information to build a proper database.

So What Was the Solution?


New landing pages and videos were built for firearms classes and gunsmithing, providing information and easy enrollment for those wanting to become more knowledgeable gun owners.


We started promotions online and pushed these landing pages up from nowhere in Google to front-page spots for keywords like “Sacramento gunsmith” and “CCW Classes Sacramento”.

Better Experience

To help improve the customer experience, a custom-coded dashboard replaced a paper disclosure form. Now all customer information is taken digitally via the website or in-store via iPads.



New landing pages and video creatives helped position The Gun Range as the leading firearms shop in the region.


From second page to #1, many keywords look like this. And this is the main reason behind the explosive online growth of this company.

In a 6 month period, we’ve grown organic visitors by 177%! We’re also now collecting on average 24 new leads/e-mails per day.

With #1 rankings for 19 local keywords and new front page rankings for many more firearms-related keywords all over the region, The Gun Range is quickly becoming the first place customers thinkn about when they come to shoot.

In just a few months, traffic has doubled for this local business.

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